PrimeLocation Full Postcode Finder

PrimeLocation makes it easy to get a full postcode or complete any partial UK address.

By searching our database of over 27 million properties in the UK, PrimeLocation is able to return the full postcode match for a partially entered address.

Using the postcode and address finder

Enter your address part in the search box.

  • E.g. "29 Althorp Road Wandsworth"
  • OR "29 Althorp Road SW17"
  • OR "29 althorp road"

Use the tool to find a full address if you only;

  • Know the house number and the postcode e.g. "6 HP7 0LW"
  • OR the house name and the postcode e.g. "Spring Cottage DN6 7HA"
  • OR know the road and place name and would remember the house name from a list e.g. "Dipton Mill Road, Hexham"

What is and how important is a full postcode?

A full postcode is known as a "postcode unit" and each postcode unit generally represents a street, part of a street, or a single address.

The postcode unit is one of the most important features of any address. Put incorrectly on a letter or parcel it could end up at a completely different street or town.

We hope that this postcode finder proves useful to users of PrimeLocation.

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