All Get Living London developers in UK

Get Living is leading the charge for a better way to rent: one with no deposits, no fees and no limits. We only offer spacious, modern homes in dynamic new neighbourhoods. We give you freedom to make your home your own and three-year tenancies as standard. All backed by a commitment to service, from an on-site team, that puts you first - from your first viewing to the day you move out. All of our homes are built to rent, offering larger than average rooms, contemporary open plan designs and smart storage. Each comes with its own private outdoor space, plus access to some brilliant residents' facilities and events. Our no-fees commitment extends across all parts of our offer and the helpful on-site team can tell you more, as well as looking after your neighbourhood. Take a look at our homes to rent in East Village - surrounded by parkland and green space - and Elephant Central, the exciting new development in London's cultural heart.

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