House prices in Dumbarton

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1 - 40 of 395
Street/Postcode Avg. price paid
Wylie Place, Renton, Dumbarton, G82
Woodyard Road, Dumbarton, G82
Woodvale, Lennox Street, Renton, Dumbarton, G82
Woodland Drive, Dumbarton, G82
Willox Park, Dumbarton, G82
Williamson Avenue, Dumbarton, G82
Whyte Corner, Dumbarton Road, Milton, Dumbarton, G82
Whiteford Place, Dumbarton, G82
Whiteford Gardens, Dumbarton, G82
Whiteford Crescent, Dumbarton, G82
Whiteford Avenue, Dumbarton, G82
White Avenue, Dumbarton, G82 £108,000
Westfield, Dumbarton, G82
Westcliffe, Dumbarton, G82
West Bridgend, Dumbarton, G82 £78,000
Waverley Terrace, Dumbarton, G82
Waterside Place, Renton, Dumbarton, G82
Wallace Tower Way, Dumbarton, G82
Wallace Street, Dumbarton, G82 £75,500
Victoria Street, Dumbarton, G82 £107,069
Victoria Gardens, Renton, Dumbarton, G82
Veir Terrace, Dumbarton, G82 £224,862
Valeview Terrace, Dumbarton, G82 £64,333
Vale of Leven Industrial Estate, Dumbarton, G82
Upper Carman Road, Renton, Dumbarton, G82
Townend Road, Dumbarton, G82 £124,250
Tontine Park, Renton, Dumbarton, G82
Tontine Crescent, Renton, Dumbarton, G82
Third Avenue, Dumbarton, G82
Thimble Street, Renton, Dumbarton, G82
Taylor Street, Renton, Dumbarton, G82
Tay Place, Dumbarton, G82
Talisman Avenue, Dumbarton, G82
Swan Court, Renton, Dumbarton, G82
Sutherland Drive, Dumbarton, G82
Sunderland Avenue, Dumbarton, G82 £87,805
Stuart Road, Dumbarton, G82
Strowanswell Road, Dumbarton, G82
Strowans Road, Dumbarton, G82 £160,000
Strathleven Place, Dumbarton, G82 £103,000
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