Estate agents
in Baillieston
1 - 4 of 4
211 Glasgow Road, Baillieston, Glasgow, G69 6EZ
We also cover
G32, G33 and G72
As a local independent estate agent we like to view ourselves as bridging the gap between ...
Avg. asking price:
Avg. sale listing age:
17 weeks
Avg. asking price:
Avg. sale listing age:
59 weeks
Avg. asking rent:
£22,464 pa
Avg. rental listing age:
48 weeks
- Member of:
1 Barrachnie Road Baillieston, Glasgow, G69 6HP
We also cover
Countrywide has a network of over 12 branches in the West of Central Scotland. It is also part ...
Avg. asking price:
Avg. sale listing age:
6 weeks
- Member of:
49 Main Street, Baillieston, Glasgow, G69 6AD
We also cover
G32, G33, G72 and G71
Avg. asking price:
Avg. sale listing age:
11 weeks
98 Main Street, Baillieston, Glasgow, G69 6TE
Avg. asking price:
Avg. sale listing age:
9 weeks