Commercial agents in Newport, Wales

1 - 7 of 7  

Auction House South Wales Newport

Auction House South Wales, Gold Tops House, Pentonville, Newport, NP20 5HB

Residential for sale: 58
Avg. asking price: £147,897
Avg. sale listing age: 5 weeks
Commercial for sale 15
Avg. asking price: £177,667
Avg. sale listing age: 9 weeks

Jack The Giant Storer Ltd

Foxhill Building Wern Trading Estate, Rogerstone, Newport, NP10 9FQ

Commercial to let 8
Avg. asking rent: £13,936 pa
Avg. rental listing age: 114 weeks

M4 Property Consultants

11 Park Square, Newport, NP20 4EL

Commercial for sale 17
Avg. asking price: £712,663
Avg. sale listing age: 65 weeks
Commercial to let 38
Avg. asking rent: £24,440 pa
Avg. rental listing age: 73 weeks

NP Linnells

Lansdowne House, 17 Gold Tops, Newport, NP20 4PH

Two of Newport’s longest running and most respected firms of Chartered Surveyors and Property ... more

Commercial for sale 11
Avg. asking price: £467,650
Avg. sale listing age: 49 weeks
Commercial to let 27
Avg. asking rent: £115,700 pa
Avg. rental listing age: 96 weeks
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Smart Let Wales

1 New Buildings, High St, Newbridge, NP11 4FA

At Smart Let Wales we genuinely care about providing the best service possible to both our ... more

Residential to rent: 1
Avg. asking rent: £650 pcm
Avg. rental listing age: 2 weeks
Commercial to let 2
Avg. asking rent: £9,620 pa
Avg. rental listing age: 37 weeks
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